02 August 2022

Day 21: Virgin Most Faithful


Our Lady is known under the title, "Virgin Most Faithful," as she is both perfectly obedient to the Holy Will of God, and always has been, and even with the fullness of all graces.  She is also completely knowledgeable of all aspects of the faith, and is faithful in the sense of what is revealed and known by God with nothing false added.  Therefore, she is also the destroyer of heresies.  One cannot say that he has a devotion to Our Lady and not wish to know better the truth of God, that is to say, the one, true, holy, Catholic and apostolic religion, and also not hold all the truths revealed to her by God.  If one knowingly and stubbornly holds any amount of heresy, they lose the supernatural grace of the faith.  Also, if they say that they should not aim to know better the faith because they are simple, then they underestimate the grace of God and their duty to put forth this effort.  There can be no true spreading of Christ's love without also spreading the truth, as He said, He IS the truth, not to abrogate any part of the law.  He did not do away with the Commandments, but rather said, "He who says he loves me yet fails to keep the commandments if a liar and the truth is not him."  The keeping of the faith is an act of the will, and not passive, and must also be guarded within oneself as a "precious pearl."  Certainly, this is part of the very first Commandment, and it is required to rightly fulfil all the other commandments.  It is with this understanding and heart for God that we must imitate the Blessed Mother and call on her to guide us in this walk in all the truths of the faith.

Virgo fidelis,
R. ora pro nobis.

Jan van Eyck, The Ghent Altarpiece, Virgin Mary detail, circa 1426. Wikimedia Commons