Our FIRST HOPE is in Jesus Christ, and the mystical graces that flow through his Sacraments. Our recourse is to his holy, virgin Mother because a soul that is planted in devotion to her, will more securely be rooted in Christ. This is because of Divine Providence and holy obedience, since cooperation with the Holy Will of God is what restores nature, and it is what brought us Christ through Mary, and because it is what gives God glory it is also His right.
Just as Christ conquered death on the Cross, the Blessed Mother conquers death of the supernatural life brought on by sin through her prayers on our behalf.
Whoever dies in a state of grace can be assured of one day reaching Heaven. Those that they leave behind who knew them should be inspired by their good example, and take the expedient path by true devotion to the Blessed Mother of Jesus Christ, with the aim of celebrating holy obedience to God by seeking first His kingdom. Pursue holiness by setting a concrete mission to grow in holiness, and plant seeds of grace by striving to always remain recollected so that all your steps are in Christ, without scruples, but by holy discernment,
trust (not presumption) and joy. This joy is the anticipation of cooperating with the graces won by the Triumph of the Cross, by your holy obedience to Christ. "He who is faithful in the little things" is the one God will entrust with greater things. You will soon find your joy is from moment to moment and will be finally found most fully in Heaven. There you will surely know your loved ones who died in Christ have finally reaped what seeds of grace they had sown.
Those who have died outside of the Sacramental graces of the Church do not have as much a reasonable hope simply because their hope was only in this life. That being said, we owe it to them all the more to pray for their souls, especially that at the end of their life the Blessed Mother asked for their consideration of obedience to God. Even a hardened heart can be given over to perfect obedience in their will, but only by the supernatural grace of God. The Blessed Mother can ask of these graces, and if in heart and mind of the sinner that person repents and replaces "my will" with "HIS will (be done)!" and wishes nothing but HIS honor before the soul separates from the body, that soul will be saved. How is this? It is because although it is not the normal or secure means to salvation, because it is at the end of the 11th hour, supernatural grace is a part of God Himself Only by sanctifying grace can one gives his entire "FIAT!"
We must pray and do penance for all souls, departed and yet living. This is a necessary act of charity to God and to man, and it is necessary for our own souls to grow in holiness. But be encouraged, as God is never outdone in charity.
Likewise, the same can be said of Our Blessed Mother, who we must remember even in our mourning, that she is most assuredly the Cause of Our Joy, now and forever. Amen.