30 May 2010

Why I Started This Blog

Since it has come to my attention that quite a number of people from various parts of the globe have been venturing through this blog, I felt a responsibility to say a little more about it.

First of all, I am not a theologian.  I am a practicing Catholic who has the greatest fortune of being in a devout part of the world.  As a result, I have been exposed to many knowledgeable priests with a solid, orthodox understanding of the teachings of Roman Catholicism.  My understanding is rooted in the fact that what is truly "catholic" is true for all places, for all peoples, and for all times (this is not the belief of the modernists that predominate even most Catholic universities of this day).  I understand how and when the pope is infalliable, and do not subscribe to any heresy that the Chair of Peter is vacant.    Since I am exposed to many good priests, I have been pointed in the direction of many reliable resources for further study.   These resources are always rooted in an authentic understanding of the teachings of our Church's extrinisic and intrinsic patrimony, as supported by the Church Fathers and Doctors.

The first thing that prompted me to create this blog was my desire to maintain my HTML skills.  I thought it would be important that I not lose these skills, and I like to play with the code.  Secondly, I created this blog for myself, as a type of mini, online repository of some of my favorite Catholic things, ranging from music to doctrine.   Sometimes I will think of something I learned several years ago, and place it in the context of something I heard recently, and wish to write about it.  I do this so I can keep it in sort of a virtual scrapbook.  In this sense, I do this mostly for myself, however, since I realize that my friends, and even many more strangers are visiting here, I also try to include items that are useful to the audience, and never write beyond what I know already to be true.  (In other words, I do not give my personal opinion on matters of doctrine, but rather, share what is already taught and revealed by Holy Mother Church.) 

This is sort of like my virtual, Catholic scrapbook:  it is a miscellaneous conglomeration of some of my favorite things being stored away for posterity, firstly for myself, and secondly if anyone should happen to come across them.