21 July 2022

Day 9: Mother Inviolate


One of the mysterious considerations we have of the Blessed Mother of God is celebrated by the title, Mother Inviolate.  Not only does it pronounce her perpetual virginity, but it emphasizes that this virginity remained even at the birth of Christ.  This is very important to consider for many reasons, because we know the dignity of Christ more fully  by better consideration of this miracle. We also learn of  how terrific an intimidation she is to the devil, who is frightened by this fact, as he is both at once shamed and powerless to her integrity.  Whenever this one, human person of perfect integrity comes to the aide, by just her prayers, of any sinner, the devils are powerless.  She is incomparable and inconquerable, and our defender, even of our own disbelief and any hardness due to the effects of sin.  Our Mystical Witness of perfect integrity, reigns at the same time from Heaven and on earth, by her prayers.  For who she is by the design of God the Father, by cooperation to God the Holy Ghost, she was able to bear God the Son and still today, continues to be the conduit of all graces.  We, who have been blessed to witness the effects of her intercession, all those who call upon her in earnest, are inspired to live changed lives, with a Faith that defies our first self-inclinations.  To know her is to be given the inspiration and grace to abide in the Commandments and to find ourselves with a peace that God gives through this mysterious, mystical means.

Mother Inviolate, pray for us.