31 July 2022

Day 19: Virgin Most Powerful

Prayer by St. Thomas Aquinas:

O most blessed and most sweet Virgin Mary full of mercy,
to thy compassion I recommend my soul and body, my thoughts, actions, life and death.
O my Lady, help and strengthen me against the snares of the devil;
obtain me true and perfect love with which to love thy most beloved Son and my Lord Jesus Christ with my whole heart, and after Him to love thee above all things.
My Queen and Mother, by thy most powerful intercession,
grant that I may persevere in this love until death
and after death be conducted by thee to the kingdom of the blessed.

St. Alphonsus Liguori from The Glories of Mary:

"Virgo potens:" Virgin most powerful. And who among the saints is so powerful with God as his most holy mother ? She obtains whatever she wishes, as St. Bernard has said: It is enough that thou dost wish, and all things are done: "Velis tu et omnia fient." St. Peter Damian even says that when Mary asks graces from God she does not pray, but in a certain manner commands. Thus the Son honors this mother whom he loves so much, by granting her whatever she asks, even favors for sinners. Hence St. Germanus says: Thou art the mother of God, omnipotent to save sinners, and thou hast no need of any other recommendation with God, for thou art the mother of true life. Oh, Mary the a canst make me holy; in thee I trust.

by Samuel Epperly