The document's point is to "build a bridge" between Catholics and Jews, by respecting their false religion. That starts off on the wrong foot, because it 1.) presupposed that hatred of the Jews comes from not respecting their (false) religion, and 2.) that it is ok to respect a false religion. Also, it makes the assumption that if you openly disavow Judaism or Islam, or any other false religion, for that matter, you are disrespecting the person and not being charitable. It also presupposed that there is a dichotomy between charity and truth, for on one hand, it is true to say that our religions are different, and that, as the Church has always taught, there is only one, true faith, and it is immutable. However, according to the "Spirit of Vatican II", it is without charity to state this boldly and clearly, and therefore, also presupposes that the highest good is how we make people feel about themselves, not God HIMSELF. This is the heresy of imanentism. The truth is that God is transcendent and immutable, and the truths that come from Him are as well.
But Holy Mother Church is never wrong! This is true, but it was not she who claims these errors: even the chief Vatican proponents of these erroneous documents (as you will see in them each laid out bare in this post and the following posts) do not claim that this council or these documents are "ex cathedra". It did not define dogma, but it DOES SKEW the representation of dogma 180 degrees, If the purpose of dogma is to define (clarify) in order to teach, is actually, nowadays, uncharitable or "non-pastoral", then that is the same to say that our dogma is outside of charity. Again, how can their be such a dichotomy between truth and charity? This is a lie. The Church never needed to bow to the Spirit of the World, but consider, first, the salvation of souls. The watering down of the truth does not make one who is against it for it, but just aims to make it appear as something that it is definitely not. Therefore, it does not aim to convert, but to confuse the truth.
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Peter's Denial is in Nostra Aetate, in the False Pretense of "Charity" |
Nostra Aetatae states, ""The Church also looks upon Muslims with respect. They worship the one God living and subsistent, merciful and mighty, creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to humanity and to whose decrees, even the hidden ones, they seek to submit themselves whole-heartedly, just as Abraham, to whom the Islamic faith readily relates itself, submitted to God... Hence they have regard for the moral life and worship God in prayer, almsgiving and fasting."[73]
Defenders of this will say that it is unclear whether or not this document means that they pray to the same God, but rather, a 'god', but the Latin text shows it as it is translated, with the capitalization of the 'g' in "God". The context spells it out even further, that the entire point is made that they, the Muslims, pray to the same God.
If this was true charity, it would be 100% true. However, our dogma states that the one, true God is TRIUNE, and to say anything less is outside of the truth.
It even goes so further to lie about the Muslim faith, that their 'god' created Heaven and Earth, but the Muslim faith does not even teach this.
Likewise, the document likes about the Buddhist faith, to make it, too, palatable to Catholics (NOT to Buddhists, because truly practicing Buddhists and Muslims know their faith, it is Catholics who do not know the Buddhist, or the Muslim beliefs, let alone their own Catholic faith). And the document makes assertions regarding Hinduism, in the same way, that there are this seeking for truth within these philosophies that are deeply heretical in the first place. It even equates "illumination" with finding the truths of the one, true God.
Nope! Sorry, but dangerously incorrect. These Bishops had to misrepresent these religions for what end? Do you believe it was to help these people convert? Then why laud their false beliefs? Is it in order to encourage their conversion, but by saying they are already well to be as they are? It is only to confuse Catholics, that they might, otherwise, remain in the truths of their Baptism.
The point of the faith is not to find "illumination", but to know, to love, and to serve the one, true God. To say otherwise, for whatever purpose, is to propose heresy.
And lastly, let's look at the odd statement on the Jews:
"True, authorities of the Jews and those who followed their lead pressed for the death of Christ (cf. Jn. 19:6); still, what happened in His passion cannot be blamed upon all the Jews then living, without distinction, nor upon the Jews of today. Although the Church is the new people of God, the Jews should not be presented as repudiated or cursed by God, as if such views followed from the holy Scriptures." This is so gross, because it insults the faithful, by presupposing that standing up for the faith is the same thing as putting down a Jewish person. The correction of an error is just that, and not an insult to the one being corrected. If one was to say that a Jew was cursed because he was a Jew, that would be an error, but to say that there is a curse on his false religion, that is a given, but because it is based on the denial of Christ. he new Judaism is NOT the biblical Judaism, but rather, is without the sacrifice and temple of Jerusalem, but is based on the denial of the Messiah. They are awaiting the 'new Messiah', so it is not merely indirectly denying the one, true, Triune God, but directly denying Jesus as the Messiah. This is a curse to its religion, but not to individual Jews. Jesus desired their conversions,
There are plenty more errors, but this should be enough to demonstrate that Nostra Aetatae is a danger to the faithful.
" Poor Jews! You invoked a dreadful curse upon your own heads in saying: "His blood be on us AND ON OUR CHILDREN!" (Mt.27:25); and that curse you carry upon you till this day, you miserable race, and to the end of time shall you endure the chastisement of that innocent Blood. " -- St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori, Doctor of the Church