21 August 2014

Responding to Grace, Dispelling the Fallacy of False Cause


This is a sermon EVERY PERSON should Listen to:

http://files.audiosancto.org/20140810-Responding-to-Grace-Dispelling-the-Fallacy-of-False-Cause.mp3Click Here for Must-Here Sermon on Responding to God's Grace

Christ Cleansing the Temple, Bernardino Mei, circa 1655

This wonderful depiction by Bernardino Mei (an Sienese / Italian painter from circa 1655) depicts our Lord cleaning the temple.   The forefront shows an older person justifying herself for selling the doves, which were needed for the poor or at even average person to make an offering at the temple.  But this person was she not doing this for the convenience of travelers from out of town who did not carry with them animals for an offering.  But our Lord saw through this, that the convenience was a worldly excuse, and not for the sake of true devotion to God, for our Lord was also pointing to the destruction of the Jerusalem temple, and the 'temple' to be created, in place of the Jerusalem Temple, in every man who receives the supernatural grace of the Sacraments via his (Jesus's) own Passion, Death and Resurrection in the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Altar.    As Jesus cleanses the temple, he quotes Jeremiah the prophet, "Behold you put your trust in lying words, which shall not profit you:  to steal, to murder, to commit adultery, to swear falsely, to offer to Baalim, and to go after strange gods whom you know not.  And you have come, and stood before me in this house, in which my name is called upon, and have said:  you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear false, burn incenses to Baal, and.and stand before Me in this house, which is called by My Name, and say, 'We are delivered, because we have done all these abominations."

Our Lord wasn't saying that God's people were simply doing business where they shouldn't have, but that they were tremendous hypocrites for presuming upon God's grace and mercy, that, like the Pharisee in the parable of the Pharisee and the sinner, they believed that by simply keeping the temple rituals, they would be delivered from their enemies, even though they were unfaithful, and not truly repentant.  They were doing what they were supposed to do in the formal sense of worship while their hearts were far from Him.

I kind of think that the smaller 'vice' or newer vice, is represented by the small child who has true remorse on his face, and clings to the mantle of our Lord in desperation.  This, I think, is meant to represent the truly contrite.  

13 August 2014

Do All Things Prudently with Your Final End in Mind


Morning Prayers


This very first prayer should be said the very moment after one wakes, and as their feet hit the ground:

"O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine." (Say this 3 times for each Person of the Holy Trinity.)

The Traditional, 3 "Golden Hail Marys" formula to be said upon waking and before retiring to bed. Say the Hail Mary 3 times, and after each time say:
"By thy holy, and immaculate conception, O Mary, make my heart (will) PURE and my soul HOLY. Preserve me this day from mortal sin, and guide me that I may not commit one, single, fully deliberate venial sin. Amen."

Morning Offering:
"O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer Thee my thoughts, words, prayers and actions throughout this day (or evening, when it is said just before bed), in union with all the holy Sacrifices throughout the world, in reparation for my sins, for the (rightly ordered) intentions of the Holy Father, for the conversion of sinners, for the intentions of my friends, family, and benefactors (any/all kinds, inc.: even spiritual), and for the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Eternal rest grant onto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.+"

Fatima Prayer
The Pardon Prayer[edit] The seers said this prayer was taught to them in the initial Fátima apparition in the spring of 1916, by an angel who called himself "the Guardian Angel of Portugal".

"My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I beg pardon for all those that do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee. You might also add: "Help me this day and increase my faith, hope and love that I may better adore you throughout my life. Amen."

Prayer to Re-Consecrate Your Will to Jesus through Mary, and Ask for Her Assistance

Most Powerful and Holy Mother Mary, Most Obedient to the Father, Virginal Spouse of the Holy Ghost, and Mother of God the Son, I invoke you for this day under the title, Queen of All the Angels. By placing my hand on my heart, I renew my vows of Consecration to Jesus through your intercession and this request for your assistance. Keep me from all sin, and take issue with every temptation. Calm my fears, anxieties, and fill me with holy hope and trust in the Lord. Make my heart full of this love that while I am still being made pure, that holy obedience is my first desire in all things. Let not my actions add to your sorrows, but rather, wash all evil inclinations within and attacks from the outside with the Precious Blood of your son, Jesus. By this Precious Blood, heal all old wounds, and bring increased peace into my heart. Grant me an increase in piety, wisdom and prudence to order my priorities that I may fulfill my duties according to your holy will. Make me so obedient, that I may be and remain for eternity your worthy daughter/son. Amen.+
(This prayer is to be repeated at the beginning of each day. Every time, throughout the day, when you place your hand upon your heart, you renew this prayer's request.)

Here is just an additional Fatima Prayer: The Angel's Prayer[edit]
In the autumn of that year, according to Lucia, she and her cousins saw the same angel again, and he taught them a second prayer. At the same time they beheld a vision of the Blessed Sacrament suspended in the air before which the Angel prostrated himself and prayed:

"O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary I beg the conversion of poor sinners."

11 August 2014

Daily Morning Invocation to Two to Whom I Owe All

+ Most Powerful and Holy Mother Mary, Most Obedient to the Father, Virginal Spouse of the Holy Ghost, and Mother of God the Son, I invoke you for this day under the title, Queen of All the Angels. By placing my hand on my heart, I renew my vows of Consecration to Jesus through your intercession and this request for your assistance. Keep me from all sin, and take issue with every temptation. Calm my fears, anxieties, and fill me with holy hope and trust in the Lord. Make my heart full of this love that while I am still being made pure, that holy obedience is my first desire in all things. Let not my actions add to your sorrows, but rather, wash all evil inclinations within and attacks from the outside with the Precious Blood of your son, Jesus. By this Precious Blood, heal all old wounds, and bring increased peace into my heart. Grant me an increase in piety, wisdom and prudence to order my priorities that I may fulfill my duties according to your holy will. Make me so obedient, that I may be and remain for eternity your worthy daughter/son. Amen.+ (This prayer is to be repeated at the beginning of each day. Every time, throughout the day, when you place your hand upon your heart, you renew this prayer's request.)